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Why we do what we do

What's in it and...what's not

Every Shave Makes a Difference

We have the answers

Hi, I'm Oscar

Having worked in the shaving industry for nearly two decades and having shaved my face over 15,000 times in my life so far, I've learned a thing or two about shaving.  

Firstly the way your skin feels after using conventional creams and foams. Secondly the way your wallet feels after purchasing razors.

In 2008, I solved the problem #1 when I launched OSCAR Natural®, a range of natural, Australian-made shaving products. Since then, I’ve been selling OSCAR Natural in Australia and overseas and have received fantastic feedback from men and women the world over.

Determined to tackle problem #2, I sought to find out how to provide high-quality razors at a fraction of the cost with the convenience of home delivery. The result is OSCAR RAZOR.

We're not the first Shave Club, but believe we've improved the concept further by using premium razors and natural shave preparations. We're also Australian owned and operated, so your money isn't sent to a multinational offshore. 

We’re particularly proud of our partnership with Beehive Industries, who handle all our assembly and order fulfilment.   This partnership allows us to stay nimble and focus on running a great business, while Beehive look after the logistics.

Not only are they a fantastic partner, our growth helps them generate more revenue to deliver vital community service.  It truly is a win-win situation.  Our customers pay less and yet they contribute directly to a great cause.

If you want to find out more, you can watch a brief video here

You can contact our Sydney-based Customer Service team at info@oscarrazor.com 

We look forward to hearing your feedback.

All the best,
Oscar de Vries

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